
Saturday 18 April 2020

Ring Ring!

Melepalu read the story Ring Ring by Diana Noonan.
She then responded to questions about the story.
Well done Melepalu for reading the story really carefully and answering the questions using full sentences.

What was making the ‘phit, phit’ sound?
It was a fantail.

Where did Charlie wish he was?
He wished he was at Pipi Bay camping grounds with his friends.

Where were Charlie and his family staying?
They were staying at Mr.Rose’s farm.

What did Charlie and his dad make down by the river?
They made stick boats together.

What whooshed past them and cave mum a fright while they were at the river?       
A tui swooshed past them at the river.

What was making the mobile phone sound?
 It was the tui’s making the sound

Why did the family decide to go back to Pipi Bay? 
Because they didn’t want to stay near the tui’s as they were loud.


  1. Well done Melepalu for completing your work. Awesome. Did your like the story?
    Ka pai
    Stay safe

  2. Hi Melepalu you did a very good job with your work.

    From bestie Irene
