
Thursday, 25 April 2019


Room 9 has been learning about ANZAC day. Students have enjoyed learning about the importance of ANZAC and have created some great slideshows displaying some things that they have learnt.

Friday, 19 April 2019

Easter art!

Every Tuesday afternoon, students go to their chosen club. In art club today, we created some easter egg collage art. Well done Shane for making a beautiful collage easter egg!

Friday, 12 April 2019

Easter Art

Since Easter this year falls in the first term holidays, Room 9 managed to create some wonderful Easter bunny art on the last day of term.

They thought carefully about what background they wanted to do and then drew a variety of patterns on the bunny to create effect.

Here are a few fabulous examples from some very talented students. 

Happy Easter everyone, from Room 9! 

Monday, 8 April 2019

Learning to play tennis

In term 1, students at Glenbrae were lucky enough to have Peter from Tennis Auckland to teach them how to play tennis. Students enjoyed learning a new sport and lots of new skills. Every lesson was interesting and fun for the students. Thank you so much Peter for teaching Room 9 how to play tennis!

The Heart

Room 9 has been learning about the heart and how it works. Melepalu has created a wonderful slide about the parts of the heart and what they do. Well done Melepalu, keep up the hard work!

Autumn Acrostic poems

It's well into autumn now and students in Room 9 have been creating acrostic poems about the changes that are happening. Below is a wonderful poem written by Jamal.
Amazing acorns and shiny leaves fall from the beautiful trees.
Under the trees are old and crispy leaves.
There are small leaves and big leaves hanging on the tall trees.
Under the trees are damp and old leaves.
Marvellous and sparkly leaves are hanging around on the large branches.
Now it is cold and the wind hits me when I go outside so I get snuggled in my bed.

By Jamal.

Thursday, 4 April 2019

Pepeha presentations

On Wednesday, five students from each class presented their pepeha to the whole school. Each presenter had a student introducing them and thanking them. All students spoke confidently and clearly. Well done Room 9 and all other class who presented!

Wednesday, 3 April 2019


Have a look at some wonderful art Room 9 has created. They had to sketch out a sun and use variety of colours to create effect. They look absolutely fantastic displayed outside our classroom! We have some talented artists in Room 9!

Monday, 1 April 2019

Abstract Art

Students from Room 9 and other classes have been creating some excellent art pieces in their Art Club they have every Monday afternoon. Today, we used Picasso style art techniques to create self portraits. The students used examples to help them sketch their faces first. Then they started to use a variety of different coloured pastels to colour/blend the face and background. I can't wait to see their final product!

Autumn Poems

Today in class, students wrote autumn acrostic poems describing the changes they are seeing at the moment outside. Well done to William for creating a descriptive and interesting poem!

Acorns and shiny leaves falling down from the tall trees.

Under the trees, there are crunching golden leaves.
The trees are warmed by the sun, as hundreds of leaves fall.
Under my feet are crispy yellow leaves.
My body is cold in autumn, as the weather begins to change.
Near my feet are brown crispy leaves.

By William.